Thursday, September 13, 2007

Show some Respect

I have not kept my personal goal to publish a blog at least once a for those of you that actually check in on me, I sincerely apologize. I will do my best to get something out there more often. So I hope that you'll continue to check in...

Much has been going on, but I'm just going to pick on a few things. First, the Petreaus report has been presented. We all know that no war is going to go perfectly as it has been outlined. But ladies and gentlemen, progress is being made. The truth sits in the hearts and minds in our soldiers, and the Iraqi people. They are first hand witnesses to what has been happening over there. Of course the main stream media will continue to report the fatalities, but how often do we get to see the successes? Well, we won't. Those on the left want us to lose this war and there is only one reason why... they despise our president. We'll hear them tell us that they are patriotic, that they support our troops. How many patriotic people out there have to tell someone their patriotic? I don't see John Mccain, General Petreaus and those that fight for our freedoms pleading with people to tell them that they are patriotic. Seems that only those that have the need to defend their insane views, have to where the American flag pin and make sure that it is known, they too are patriotic. In the words of John Stossell, "Give me a break."

Petreaus has been insulted, defamed and disrespected by the left wingers and he deserves better. I found a few interesting blurbs posted out on

"It’s time to stop fretting over “losing” the war. This war was WRONG to begin with. It NEVER should have been fought. It will NEVER “get better.” And the only way to support our troops is to bring them home and out of harm’s way. Call or email your representatives now and tell them so."

"...I’d be willing to support the surge 2 days for every day Bush or Cheney is willing to spend in Iraq outside the green zone and our billion dollar embassy. That would indicate real progress and provide just deserts as well as the few laughs we all need to bear up under such political blundering."

"So, what is the mission for the mililtary now?? Is it just to end the civil war strife between the Shite, Sunni and Kurds? Is it truly to bring some form of democracy to the Iraq or just create a theocracy state?? How much more American lives need to be sacrifice for this war of no reason?? Since the General David Petraeus report sounds eerie like the report that General gave to Congress in 1969, doesn’t that tell you history is repeating itself for no good reason. WE NEED TO BRING THE TROOPS HOME NOW, the Iraq government needs to STAND UP SO THAT WE CAN STAND DOWN NOW — NOT LATER —"

My oh let me get this right, we shouldn't have gone over to help a nation that was ruled by an evil dictator. We should leave the Iraqi people to fight on their own, after all it's not our duty to take care of those that are in need. Our president and those that serve him are liars and idiots. Does that sum it up? Boy, where in the heck would you prefer to live? If your so damn angry and are fed up with the actions our nation, what's keeping you here?

Moving on....

I hope that President Bush delivers tonight on his speech to the nation about this report and what our plans will be. Regardless, we need to stand together behind him as a nation and continue to pray for victory.