Friday, January 1, 2010

Welcome 2010!

Happy New Year! I can honestly say that I'm thankful 2009 is over, boy what a year it has been.

Over the last several months I have not had the motivation to write anything. Maybe I've been wallowing. It started with disbelief of the newly elected president, the fear set in. Remembering his journey on the campaign trail and the message he delivered to 'fundamentally transform America', I could not comprehend how so many people blindly followed this man. The effect of his presidency immediately set in. I sat idly doing nothing but watching and waiting. The lunacy, idiocy and unbelievable moments that stand out for me are:

Reverend Jeremiah Wright, the pastor of Obama's church for 20 years (Obama left the church after the controversial videos of Rev. Wrights blashemy and blatant statements of racism against the white man).

Van Jones, introduced in Obama's administration who is a self avowed communist (later fired from his post).

The constant love affair the media had with Obama. Those media outlets commenting about Fox News having a right wing agenda.

The chase of Sarah Palin and vicious, derogatory, defiling treatment to her and her family.

Acorn sting. Prostitute and pimp posing to get assistance in purchasing a house to run an illegal sex operation with young girls. The Acorn members under hidden camera one after another offered advice on how to be deceitful about the occupation, and even claiming these girls as dependents.

Cash for Clunkers. A government scam to trade in your clunker vehicle for a new eco-friendly ride. When logging in to the website a disclaimer came up notifying you that when you are logged on to the website your computer is considered a federal computer system and it is property of the United States government. After the story was brought to the public, the statement was changed.

The statement Obama made about the police officers who arrested his Harvard professor friend, 'They acted stupidly'. Yet he did not have all the facts about the case.

The murders committed by an Islamic terrorist Nidal Malik Hasan on the Army Base at Fort Hood. The reaction from the White House was, 'not to rush to judgement'.

White House attacks on the tea party movement and Fox News.

Renaming the National Day of Prayer on 9/11 to the National Day of Service. Thanks to Mr. Obama.

The forceful urgency to pass a universal health care bill. (Way to much about this absurdity to comment much further. I'll save it for another time).

These were just some of the things that have made me ask the question, "what the heck has happened to our country?" Then, my heart palpitations began to subside. I witnessed the tea party movement.

I'm ready for 2010. My resolution this year will be to continue seeking the truth. For me, that is starting with The Bible.

Happy New Year! May your year be full of bountiful blessings and new direction.

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