Sunday, June 14, 2009

Walking Blind

It has been a little while since I've written. So much has happened that it's difficult to chose one thing to write on. So here's what I'm thinking....

I watch in disbelief at what our president is doing. It's almost surreal, as if it's all just some big joke. The scary thing is, it is happening now, we are seeing our world change before us, just like he promised. Not the change you expected. I think what scares me the most, is that we're letting it happen. We are walking blind, oblivious to what is being taken. When I've tried to inform my family and friends about what I saw reported on the news, they have no clue, no idea and go about their lives. I want to shake them, to scream, "Don't you get it! Don't you see!"But then I have to think, no, they are like so many others who thinks that Mr. O. is "cool", "better than what we had", "doing what he can to get us out of this mess". Pass after pass, he can do no wrong.

A few things to think about...

**The government now owns GE. They have the power (never did before) to fire CEO's of companies.

**The government has passed a stimulus bill that can not be paid back. A note to all, they are planning on spending trillions of dollars over the next several years.

**The government does not want the wealthy to succeed, for if they do, they will be punished with higher taxes.

**The government wants Universal Healthcare. This means that everyone who doesn't have insurance must get it. In the latest version of a bill, parents will be forced to pay their children's insurance until they are 26.

**The government wants to close Gitmo and release the prisoners into American prisons.

**The government wants to confirm the Supreme Court nominee Sonya Sotomayor who will rule based on empathy, not the court of law.

A few things to note about the current president:

-He has people on his staff that failed to pay their taxes
-His gift to the Prime Minister of Britain was a pack of DVD's
-His gift to the Queen of England was an IPod with his speeches
-His pastor for 20 years Jeremiah Wright preached on Black Power
-He was a community organizer before he was elected to run this country
-He could not produce a birth certificate
-He chose to not participate in the National Day of Prayer
-His staff went on a photo op over the New York skyline scaring hundreds of people in the streets
-His staff no longer uses the word terrorist
-He said, "We are not a Christian nation" "....We could be one of the largest Muslim nations" (These were not spoken in the same speech).
-His VP Joe Biden has said that money will be wasted when speaking on the stimulus bill. Joe Biden also said Mr. Obama doesn't have the experience to be the President
-He spent 300K to take his wife on a date to dinner and a Broadway show while he preaches to us that we need to watch our own budget

This ladies and gentleman is the man running our country. I ask that you please, please start paying attention. Tune into a news network that gives it to you straight, that reports on what is happening. Don't walk around blind anymore. We our losing our country. We need the government to start listening to us, fearing us not the other way around. We employ them. They work for us.