Thursday, April 30, 2009

Air Force One Photo Op

On Monday morning, panic hit the streets of New York when a low flying playing buzzed the skyline. Was it another attack? Is it going to fly into a building? People were scurrying around the streets looking overhead to see what might be coming. There worst nightmare could be happening again. But wait, it wasn't a terrorist, the plane wasn't aiming towards any buildings, what the hell is going on? Ladies and gentleman, this was Air Force One (well the backup for the official Air Force One). Yes, that's right the plane was from the White House.

As news got out, Mayor Bloomberg was furious and had every right to be. Who could be so stupid to authorize a stunt like this for a freaking photo op? And who would ask this to be kept from the public? Were they trying to cause a panic, because that is exactly what they did. I don't care if it has been months, years or decades from when we had planes flying into our New York buildings, you DON'T do that. I don't live in New York, but I tell you what, when I see planes flying up above the thought always crosses my mind, are they going to hit us?

Since I don't normally watch the local news, I don't know how or if this story was covered. But if this were a screw up by the Bush Administration, it would be all over the place. We'd see protesters in the streets and condemnation from the news outlets about this debacle. Mr. O might say he was furious when he heard the news, but wouldn't he have to had to know about this? I mean come on, why else would there be a photo op of Air Force One? Of all the weak and wrong decisions he's made since he took office, this has to be by far the dumbest, inexcusable examples of where his priorities are.

My mission this weekend is to ask at least 5 people if they've heard about this to see if they are 'in the know'. So far, all of the things that I've brought attention to and has been widely reported on talk radio and the only fair news network, the only replies I receive are either, "no, I hadn't heard that" or "he's only been in office for a few months." Listen, I don't care if he was in there a day, this is something you don't just turn away from.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

So I'm a terrorist??

The tea parties were a success, and the main stream media is still trying to dumb it down. The reporting done by the mainstream media was appalling. One CNN reporter decided to give her opinion and interrupted a gentleman who was trying to answer her question. As he was giving his reasoning for being there, she rudely stopped him saying, "What does this have to do with taxes? Do you know that you're eligible for a 400 dollar..." After he told her he was answering her question, she gave a plug about the stimulus package. What?! Now wait a second, since when are reporters suppose to provide their opinion? Their job is to REPORT the news regardless of your views or feelings. She went on to say that the tea parties were .."anti-government, anti-CNN since this is highly promoted by the right-wing conservative network Fox."

Other media outlets barely paid attention or made a mockery out of it. I tell you this, if there was a war protest going on, the left wing media would be out there letting the people speak and actually covering it. Where is the fair and balanced?

Since these protests were no big deal (according to most media) why is it that there was an alert given to the police departments to 'keep an eye' on 'Right Wing Extremists'. Apparently I along with many other hard working, principled, informed, gun owning Americans should be on a watch list.

Read this document. This is frighting folks. I guess our views and opinions are not welcome and the government doesn't want any backtalk (if you will) about anything they do. I encourage you to pass this along.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

It's Time for Tea Parties

I can't tell you how excited I am about the thousands of tea parties taking place all across the country. Unfortunately, close to where I live (Cedar Rapids, IA) there were only 6 people in attendance, one of them standing about 50 feet from the others with a 'More Taxes' sign. It could be that either they didn't plan in advance time, or that Iowa has turned so dang liberal.

Either way, I'm keeping up to date on all the others taking place, I just wish I could be part of all the action.

The media is going to spin these protests to be an act of the crazy right wingers, but what they don't get is that the people showing up, are Americans who are fed up. The message is clear, stop the wasteful spending, stop increasing taxes, and start listening to what the American people are asking for. Thanks to the Mr. O. administration, our grandchildren will be born broke and owing the government money. For the record, I didn't agree with the massive spending by the Bush Administration either. How does spending money help the economy? How does printing more money increase the value of the dollar? There is common sense to this madness, people just need to pay attention.

I am thankful to all the great Americans out there who are standing up and raising their voices. We will remain silent no longer. Enough is enough. The Government got our attention, now it's time that we get theirs.

Friday, April 10, 2009

What the heck is he thinking??

Can't you see it? Are you paying attention? I am dumbfounded what the president is doing. Who is he getting his advice from?

What compelled you to give the Prime Minister of Great Britain a stash of DVD's? Are you kidding me? Does he realize how that represents America? Not only that, the DVD is not compatible with the devices in Great Britain, so the PM can't even watch them! How sad.... So, you'd think Mr. Obama would learn by this embarrassing charade, nope, he sure didn't. When meeting with the Queen of England, what gift does he give her? An IPOD!! Oh, and not just any IPOD, it was engraved...ooooh! And, how priceless, he made sure to download some of he speeches on it for her. How thoughtful Mr. President. Un-flippin' believable!

Here is what we've learned about Mr. Obama...

He's inexperienced
He has no idea what the heck he's doing
He tries to fill his cabinet with tax evaders
He's spending us into oblivion in efforts to save us
He has the audacity to bash America overseas
He wants to pass a law so that every single hospital (Catholic or not) provides abortions

All this and he hasn't even been in office for 6 months. And so many of you left wing Obama lovers were so adamant to get him in office. And oh, how he was the hope we were looking for. Hope and change. Hope and change. We got change all right.

We are losing our country and Americans aren't going to take it anymore.

A revolution is coming. Get ready.