Sunday, August 2, 2009

Beer Blast Hosted by Barry

When Mr. Obama decided he should get involved in local issues when a buddy of his was arrested at his home, he stooped to a new low. A synopsis on the situation....

A Harvard University professor locked himself out of his home, so he and a friend had to break in. A situation that has hap pend to many of us. Concerned neighbors thought the house was being broke into and called the local police. The police arrived and let him know there was a suspected break in, then proceeded to ask for his identification. The professor flipped his lid and began to shout racism. The professor did show his Harvard University ID card, however continued to shout derogatory things at the police officer. Finally, the professor was arrested for interfering with police business, as he should have. This brings us to Barry. During I believe his 4th or 5th press conference during his first 7 months in office, he was asked a question about the situation. His reply, 'I don't know all the facts...', 'I believe the police acted stupidly'... Big mistake Mr. President.

After this whole debacle, Barry didn't apologize to the police officer, but asked him to come over for a beer. Come again? How classy and dignified Mr. President. You can't admit you were wrong so you let your 'cool' gene come out and speak for you. Well at least it gave you a great photo op for the country to see you in your coolness having a beer. After all, he is trying to teach us something. We can all learn from this whole experience. Want to know what I learned? That when your a friend of the President and you feel that you've been done wrong, the person(s) who did you wrong will get a call from the President. Ahhh...that makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.

No one knows what the full conversation was, but we do know an apology was made. An apology from the officer. Are we living in the bizarro world? Whatever happened to, "I was wrong and I'm sorry"? I guess some people are too proud to humble themselves and admit when they've made a mistake.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Walking Blind

It has been a little while since I've written. So much has happened that it's difficult to chose one thing to write on. So here's what I'm thinking....

I watch in disbelief at what our president is doing. It's almost surreal, as if it's all just some big joke. The scary thing is, it is happening now, we are seeing our world change before us, just like he promised. Not the change you expected. I think what scares me the most, is that we're letting it happen. We are walking blind, oblivious to what is being taken. When I've tried to inform my family and friends about what I saw reported on the news, they have no clue, no idea and go about their lives. I want to shake them, to scream, "Don't you get it! Don't you see!"But then I have to think, no, they are like so many others who thinks that Mr. O. is "cool", "better than what we had", "doing what he can to get us out of this mess". Pass after pass, he can do no wrong.

A few things to think about...

**The government now owns GE. They have the power (never did before) to fire CEO's of companies.

**The government has passed a stimulus bill that can not be paid back. A note to all, they are planning on spending trillions of dollars over the next several years.

**The government does not want the wealthy to succeed, for if they do, they will be punished with higher taxes.

**The government wants Universal Healthcare. This means that everyone who doesn't have insurance must get it. In the latest version of a bill, parents will be forced to pay their children's insurance until they are 26.

**The government wants to close Gitmo and release the prisoners into American prisons.

**The government wants to confirm the Supreme Court nominee Sonya Sotomayor who will rule based on empathy, not the court of law.

A few things to note about the current president:

-He has people on his staff that failed to pay their taxes
-His gift to the Prime Minister of Britain was a pack of DVD's
-His gift to the Queen of England was an IPod with his speeches
-His pastor for 20 years Jeremiah Wright preached on Black Power
-He was a community organizer before he was elected to run this country
-He could not produce a birth certificate
-He chose to not participate in the National Day of Prayer
-His staff went on a photo op over the New York skyline scaring hundreds of people in the streets
-His staff no longer uses the word terrorist
-He said, "We are not a Christian nation" "....We could be one of the largest Muslim nations" (These were not spoken in the same speech).
-His VP Joe Biden has said that money will be wasted when speaking on the stimulus bill. Joe Biden also said Mr. Obama doesn't have the experience to be the President
-He spent 300K to take his wife on a date to dinner and a Broadway show while he preaches to us that we need to watch our own budget

This ladies and gentleman is the man running our country. I ask that you please, please start paying attention. Tune into a news network that gives it to you straight, that reports on what is happening. Don't walk around blind anymore. We our losing our country. We need the government to start listening to us, fearing us not the other way around. We employ them. They work for us.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Air Force One Photo Op

On Monday morning, panic hit the streets of New York when a low flying playing buzzed the skyline. Was it another attack? Is it going to fly into a building? People were scurrying around the streets looking overhead to see what might be coming. There worst nightmare could be happening again. But wait, it wasn't a terrorist, the plane wasn't aiming towards any buildings, what the hell is going on? Ladies and gentleman, this was Air Force One (well the backup for the official Air Force One). Yes, that's right the plane was from the White House.

As news got out, Mayor Bloomberg was furious and had every right to be. Who could be so stupid to authorize a stunt like this for a freaking photo op? And who would ask this to be kept from the public? Were they trying to cause a panic, because that is exactly what they did. I don't care if it has been months, years or decades from when we had planes flying into our New York buildings, you DON'T do that. I don't live in New York, but I tell you what, when I see planes flying up above the thought always crosses my mind, are they going to hit us?

Since I don't normally watch the local news, I don't know how or if this story was covered. But if this were a screw up by the Bush Administration, it would be all over the place. We'd see protesters in the streets and condemnation from the news outlets about this debacle. Mr. O might say he was furious when he heard the news, but wouldn't he have to had to know about this? I mean come on, why else would there be a photo op of Air Force One? Of all the weak and wrong decisions he's made since he took office, this has to be by far the dumbest, inexcusable examples of where his priorities are.

My mission this weekend is to ask at least 5 people if they've heard about this to see if they are 'in the know'. So far, all of the things that I've brought attention to and has been widely reported on talk radio and the only fair news network, the only replies I receive are either, "no, I hadn't heard that" or "he's only been in office for a few months." Listen, I don't care if he was in there a day, this is something you don't just turn away from.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

So I'm a terrorist??

The tea parties were a success, and the main stream media is still trying to dumb it down. The reporting done by the mainstream media was appalling. One CNN reporter decided to give her opinion and interrupted a gentleman who was trying to answer her question. As he was giving his reasoning for being there, she rudely stopped him saying, "What does this have to do with taxes? Do you know that you're eligible for a 400 dollar..." After he told her he was answering her question, she gave a plug about the stimulus package. What?! Now wait a second, since when are reporters suppose to provide their opinion? Their job is to REPORT the news regardless of your views or feelings. She went on to say that the tea parties were .."anti-government, anti-CNN since this is highly promoted by the right-wing conservative network Fox."

Other media outlets barely paid attention or made a mockery out of it. I tell you this, if there was a war protest going on, the left wing media would be out there letting the people speak and actually covering it. Where is the fair and balanced?

Since these protests were no big deal (according to most media) why is it that there was an alert given to the police departments to 'keep an eye' on 'Right Wing Extremists'. Apparently I along with many other hard working, principled, informed, gun owning Americans should be on a watch list.

Read this document. This is frighting folks. I guess our views and opinions are not welcome and the government doesn't want any backtalk (if you will) about anything they do. I encourage you to pass this along.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

It's Time for Tea Parties

I can't tell you how excited I am about the thousands of tea parties taking place all across the country. Unfortunately, close to where I live (Cedar Rapids, IA) there were only 6 people in attendance, one of them standing about 50 feet from the others with a 'More Taxes' sign. It could be that either they didn't plan in advance time, or that Iowa has turned so dang liberal.

Either way, I'm keeping up to date on all the others taking place, I just wish I could be part of all the action.

The media is going to spin these protests to be an act of the crazy right wingers, but what they don't get is that the people showing up, are Americans who are fed up. The message is clear, stop the wasteful spending, stop increasing taxes, and start listening to what the American people are asking for. Thanks to the Mr. O. administration, our grandchildren will be born broke and owing the government money. For the record, I didn't agree with the massive spending by the Bush Administration either. How does spending money help the economy? How does printing more money increase the value of the dollar? There is common sense to this madness, people just need to pay attention.

I am thankful to all the great Americans out there who are standing up and raising their voices. We will remain silent no longer. Enough is enough. The Government got our attention, now it's time that we get theirs.

Friday, April 10, 2009

What the heck is he thinking??

Can't you see it? Are you paying attention? I am dumbfounded what the president is doing. Who is he getting his advice from?

What compelled you to give the Prime Minister of Great Britain a stash of DVD's? Are you kidding me? Does he realize how that represents America? Not only that, the DVD is not compatible with the devices in Great Britain, so the PM can't even watch them! How sad.... So, you'd think Mr. Obama would learn by this embarrassing charade, nope, he sure didn't. When meeting with the Queen of England, what gift does he give her? An IPOD!! Oh, and not just any IPOD, it was engraved...ooooh! And, how priceless, he made sure to download some of he speeches on it for her. How thoughtful Mr. President. Un-flippin' believable!

Here is what we've learned about Mr. Obama...

He's inexperienced
He has no idea what the heck he's doing
He tries to fill his cabinet with tax evaders
He's spending us into oblivion in efforts to save us
He has the audacity to bash America overseas
He wants to pass a law so that every single hospital (Catholic or not) provides abortions

All this and he hasn't even been in office for 6 months. And so many of you left wing Obama lovers were so adamant to get him in office. And oh, how he was the hope we were looking for. Hope and change. Hope and change. We got change all right.

We are losing our country and Americans aren't going to take it anymore.

A revolution is coming. Get ready.

Friday, February 13, 2009

House Democrats Suceeded

Looks like the House Dems got it done. This is not a good day for Americans. All though the democrats are playing this out as the next best thing since sliced bread, there is still so much unnecessary spending that went into this bill.

I am proud of the Conservatives that stood against this bill and held their ground. They listened to the people and voted against a spending (not a stimulus) bill.

It is yet to be determined what this bill will do for our country. We know that it is evident that the economy will improve on it's own merits NOT due to this bill. Keep in mind that people will soon be getting their tax refunds back, and some of that will go into the economy. You know that when the increase in consumer spending is reported, the democrats will pat themselves on the back and take credit.

More to come....

Spendulous Bill

Ladies and gentlemen, I am a concerned American. After watching and listening for weeks on this so called 'Stimulus Plan', I've learned a few things.

First, it is about time that the Republicans stand up for fiscal responsibility. For too long they have failed us and spent millions of unnecessary tax dollars. They seem to finally be paying attention and listening to us Conservative Americans.

Second thought, how much of this bill is actually being spent on helping to create jobs. From my first glance at the 650 page bill I don't have a full grasp of where all the funds are going. But here are a few that stuck out.

**$2,825,000,000 of which $1,000,000,000 shall be for Wireless Deployment
Grants and $1,825,000,000 shall be for Broadband Deployment Grants

**Federal Buildings Fund, $7,700,000,000 for real property activities
$1,000,000,000 shall be used for construction, repair, and
alteration of border facilities and land ports of entry; of
which not less than $6,000,000,000 shall be used for construction, repair, and alteration of Federal buildings for projects that will create the greatest impact on energy efficiency and conservation

**General Services Administration’s Motor Vehicle Acquisition and Motor Vehicle Leasing programs for the acquisition of motor vehicles, including plug-in and alternative fuel vehicles, $600,000,000

**National Mall in Washington, 9 DC, $200,000,000

**Not less than $335,000,000 shall be used as
an additional amount to carry out domestic HIV/
AIDS, viral hepatitis, sexually-transmitted diseases

As I sit here watching CSPAN live I'm encouraged that much of the non-sense spending will be taken out of this bill. It is not to late to get involved and speak up. It is time that government listen to the people. We need to wise up, pay attention and stop acting like zombies when it comes to affairs that will impact our future.

I will do my part to stay informed and get involved with what government is doing. They need to be held accountable for bad decisions and they need to start serving the American people.