Friday, October 31, 2008

Countdown to Election Day - 4 Days

It's the Friday before election day. We see polls tightening, packed filled rallies and screaming fans for our candidates. As we listen to blurbs from the campaign trail, there was one that struck me from a rally for Obama. A lady after the 'show' said, " is the most memorable thing I ever saw....I don't have to worry about paying for gas in my car....I don't have to worry about paying my mortgage."

I'm sorry, what did you say? Don't have to worry about paying for gas?? Don't have to worry about paying for your mortgage? Well now that's interesting. Whom madam is going to pay this for you? Oh, I see, the people who are working hard and earning a decent living will be forced to share their wealth.

It frightens me to see where our country is heading. Moving on....

Admittedly I wasn't thrilled when McCain was the man chosen to be the Republican candidate. All though he's admirable, he was to me a man in the middle. He didn't represent the strong conservative values that I hold dear. Pro-God, Pro-Country, Pro-Guns & Pro-Life. Then enters Gov. Sarah Palin. She came out and gave conservatives a voice and I was pumped up to rally for this ticket.

Not long after she was announced, the attacks started rolling in. I'm not going to go into all of the rants, but if you've watched the mainstream media, you know what I mean. Problem is, people are buying it and spew off these talking points when I get into a debate.

One example, my niece who is 11 years old was telling me about a debate she has for school where kids get to talk about why they support the VP nominees. She was chosen to talk about why Joe Biden would make a good VP and Sarah Palin wouldn't. She was so excited about Joe Biden, so I had to ask, you know to help prep her for the debate. Here's how it went:

Me: What is it about Barack Obama and Joe Biden that you like.
Niece: Free Healthcare. And he will bring change...
Me: How is that free healthcare paid for?
Niece: Taxes, but it's good because everyone needs it.
Me: Have you seen the Universal Healthcare in Canada and how it has helped them? Question was withdrawn and I moved on.
Me: What don't you like about Sarah Palin?
Niece: Well, she doesn't seem to really know a lot and doesn't have any experience.
Me: And what experience does Barack Obama have? Did you know Joe Biden even said that Barack Obama didn't have the experience to lead?
Niece: No, he didn't say that. And Barack is a SENATOR (this word was elaborated).
Me: Well, Sarah Palin is the Governor of Alaska. She's had to make executive decisions for her state.
Niece: (Dumbfounded look) She is? I didn't know that...

This is when the conversation was stopped by my sister. But I had to finish by saying, "Make sure to do your research."

My point here is, people all over the place who are supporting Senator Obama point their finger at Sarah Palin claiming she has 'no experience'. But when you come at them with what Sarah Palin has done for her state and point out the legitimate lack of experience in Obama, they get angry and get on the defense. After all, Obama is the ONE. He will save us all.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Election Day - 5 Days!

Senator Obama had his 30 minute ad last night to plead with the American people on what he will do for the country as president. In the history of this race I have never heard of a man spending millions of dollars to run an info-mercial on his agenda. Programs were postposted for the ONE to speak. I just heard that the World Series was postponed so that this could be aired! Are you kidding me??

Another recent discovery is a dinner that Obama had with Palestitian Americans including Rashid Khalidi a former member of the PLO(Palestine Liberation Organization). During this dinner some of the men "expressed anger at Israel and at U.S. foreign policy" There is a video tape of this event, but do you think it will be released? The Los Angeles Times wrote on this event back in April,0,1780231,full.story. They came out and said that due to a confidential source, they can not release the video tape. Now hold on a minute, if this were Senator McCain and there was a secret video of him having dinner with members of a terrorist organization, would the video be supressed? Oh no, no, no... the media would force this to be released. The congress might even get involved.

Let's talk about this for a minute. We know that Obama has ties to his long time pastor Jerimiah Wright whom expresses hatred towards America, in a quote, 'Not God Bless America, God D America'. Obama sat in his church for over twenty years (according to Obama went to this church around twice a month during these 20 years) but he never heard any of these types of statements. Obama in addition launched his Senate campaign, sat on boards and held speaches with William Ayers who is a former member of the Weather Underground, a terrorist group that bombed the US Captial. Ayers is not repentive on what he did. Obama also has associates with Palestinian men who are anti-Isreal. Now, these are just some of the known associations he has. Of course the main stream media will play this off as, 'he doesn't agree with their actions, he has condemed them'. This is played off like it's not a big deal. Let me ask this, if Obama was seeking a job with the police force or any other security officer job would he be eligable? No. One of the questions is, 'Do you have known associations with terriorists.' Obama's answer would be Yes and he'd be denied the job. So how the hell can he run for the president of the United States??

How in the right mind can so many Americas swoon over this man? How can they say he would be the best man to lead America? How can you say he actually has experience to make decisions in the best interest of this country? WAKE UP!!! While Obama may give a great speach and entice you with his plan, do you actually think he will lead this country in the right direction? And don't give me this horsecrap that he's better than what we've had for the last 8 years. That is bogus and you know it.

Bottom line, if you're okay with casting your vote for a man who has associated himself with unsavory characters, a man who was sworn into the Senate office on January 4, 2005 and began his run for President in May of 2007, a man who could not make a 'Yes' or 'No' vote, but 'Present' 130 times on the senate floor, a man who wants to 'spread the wealth', a man who wants to raise taxes on Americans making 200K (this amount may have changed again), a man voted actually did vote against banning partial birth abortion, a man who said,"I am going to teach them (his daughters) first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby." If none of this bothers you, and you can morally cast your vote for this man, then by all means....

I encourage you to please, read, research and open your eyes. This is the biggest election of our lifetime, we can't afford to mess this up.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Countdown to Election Day - 6 Days

I'm getting nervous, excited and fearful about election day. Hard to believe it's only 7 days away. As I watch the ads, read the articles and fumble through the countless flyer's in the mail, I have failed to get my words out there. So, from now until election day, I will write a little each day in hopes that someone, somewhere out there will find themselves truly thinking about who would be the best to lead our country.

I would like some Obama supporter to explain to me the reason why they feel he is the best man to lead this country other then 'We need change'. Here are the reasons I've heard:

1. Universal Healthcare
2. Free College Tuition
3. Change
4. Economy
5. Don't want 8 years of the same
6. Change

Lets look at these one by one. First, Universal Healthcare. Obama wants to make sure everyone in the country gets free healthcare. You can view this as noble, to want to try and make sure people have healthcare available for even those that don't have insurance. Here's my issue. Have you seen how the system works in Canada or Europe? They currently have a Universal Healthcare plan. If it's so good, why are people waiting months for surgery, months to get a tooth pulled? Why do they fly over to America to get medical attention that they need. Don't believe this? Research for yourself.

Second, free college tuition. Now, I don't know if this is part of his plan, but he has mentioned how he wants education available to everyone, and to make it affordable. If we grant this privilege to all kids, how will they ever try hard to earn their own way. I thought the way it works is that the brilliant kids who get straight A's, work their tail off, and reach for their goals, they are the ones who get the grants and the free ride to college. For all the other kids, they might try the best they can, but still have to work, work, work to pay their way for their advanced education. If college isn't affordable to families, well, their are community colleges and part time jobs availble to kids.

Third, change. Change from??? A democratic country to a socialist country? Have yet to hear an explanation of what Obama's change will be.

Forth, economy. Obama's record on the economy is nil. He believes that raising taxes on the wealthy (anyone earning over 250K a year, which DOES include small businesses) will be good for the economy. He wants to 'spread the wealth'. He thinks it isn't fair that someone who has worked their life to build something out of themselves isn't fair for those that are living pay check to check. Aren't we suppose to have our own goals and dreams? We shouldn't have to wait for some hand out to propel our dreams. We have to put one foot in front of the other and make our own way.

Fifth, Doesn't want 8 years of the same. Hmmm. That's interesting. I guess I see something different than everyone else. The Obama supporters rant about how horrible the Bush Administration has been. While I might not agree with all the decisions President Bush has made, he has truly tried to do what is best for our country. One example, it was President Bush that instituted the tax cuts, which I know all of you out there who paid taxes, got a tax cut. Another thing, I thank God that it was President Bush in the White House when terrorists attacked us on our soil. He made a tough decision to fight against them, to spread democracy and help a nation in need of freedom. Haven't we been free from attack in the past 7 years? Maybe you don't think about that. For those of you that feel this war is unjust and say to yourself 'it's not our problem', what would you do if you looked across the street and see someone being raped, mugged or stabbed, turn your head and say 'it's not my problem'? If you don't think it's moral and just to stop a world from evil, then boy, you have a different mind set then me.

To get back to the point on not wanting 8 more years of the same, it seems that since the Democrats took over the house and Senate, our economy started to plummet. Don't get me wrong there is plenty of blame on both sides to the mistakes that were made (Republicans are the only ones to point the finger at their own party, Democrats refuse to point the finger at themselves). But think of this, who was is that pushed the mortgage lenders to loan money to people who couldn't afford to pay it back. The Democratic Congress. Who was one of the strongest supporters and told America that Fannie & Freddy is a good investment, Barney Frank, oh yeah, he is a democrat. Who continued to throw in pork spending on various bills? The Democratic Congress? Who is wanting 1 trillion dollars in new spending? Barack Obama.

Sixth, Change. I've made my point.