Monday, September 29, 2008

No Deal

No deal 228 Nay to 205 Yay in the House of Reps on regards to the 700B$ bail out of AIG. Apparently there were some measures within this bill that are not in our best interest.

We all need to take a look at what this bill constitutes. What were the stipulations? What would the costs be to the taxpayers? I think the right decision was made based upon the floor debate before the votes were cast. With as many objections received, there is more work to be done.

There is worry and doubt among the American people on what our future holds. This financial debacle has many fingers pointed at various parties. We can look to Wall Street, the mortgage companies the unethical spending in congress. For those that place the blame fully on the Bush Administration, you are not looking at the whole picture. There is so much hatred towards our President that it is sickening. I've never seen so many vulgar displays of protest in my life. While I don't always agree with all of the decisions, I do firmly believe that he is looking to make decisions that are in the best interest of the people.

We need to have our minds clear, our eyes open and our ears clean as we listen to the debates that will change the course of our country's history. I will do what I can to keep informed and spread the knowledge of what I've learned to you.