Sunday, June 24, 2007

Empty Heads

Well it's Sunday, and that usually means (in our household anyway) drinking coffee until noon and involved discussions. My husband and I will talk about anything from politics to family members. This morning one of the things that came up was today's kids and how they differ from 40 years ago.

Let's start by going through the differences between the kids of yesterday vs. today's kids.

Then kids would: Contribute to the family, build things with their hands, learn about our country's history, obey mom and dad, obey teachers, dream of being soldiers, astronauts, police officers and fire fighters, play outside until dinner then going back out until it's bed time, wait their turn for the family circulating fan to reach their direction, had fear of being caught doing what they ought not to do to avoid whoopings, learn about God and the fear of God.

Today kids: Are selfish and want to be the most important person in the family, use their hands to text and chat their 'peeps', know who's dating who in Hollywood but can't tell you what's in the Constitution, lack of respect for parents and teachers, aspire to be a super star, play video games from breakfast to dinner, sit air conditioning on a hot day, have time outs and grounding time that would take away their TV and cell phone, worship Britney Spears.

What happened? For starters, where have all the parents gone? I seem some every now and again where they actually call the shots and reprimand their kids, yes even in public. Today that seems almost unheard of. Well to those parents who still have control of their own house I say to you....Congratulations! Job well done!

Every kid will test their limits we know that. The problem is, what consequences will there be if the kid steps over the line? I've seen many of talk shows reality shows where these rude, obnoxious, adolescent snobs run all over their parents. They call them every name in the book, hit them, and down right don't give a lick about anyone but themselves. Granted not all teenagers are so ridiculous and self centered. And I will give credit to the parents who've done all they could to instill morals and values into their children. As I stated earlier, we do see them out there, just not as often as we see those that have given their control to their kids. Take for example a few of the reality shows, "Super Nanny" and "Nanny 911". If you've ever seen an episode, you've thought, "I can relate to that" or "What they need is a to get spanked". What baffles me is that these nanny's tell the parents they shouldn't yell or hit their kids. That is exactly what the kids need! I'm not saying to give them an all out lashing, but a few good hard spanks, you bet.

Reality shows have taken over TV land from shows like "My Sweet Sixteen" to "Big Brother". I admit that I am guilty of watching some of these shows and am not better off by doing so. If nothing else it sure does dumb me down for awhile. My point is this, millions of people; adults and kids watch these mindless, non-thought provoking shows. What can you possibly get out of filling your mind with mush? For starters you get a brain full of mush. Then you start to see people walking around like zombies and when they are asked, "Do you know who the Secretary of State is?" you get blank stares. But I bet you a million dollars that they would know what is happening in the life of Paris Hilton.

Kids need direction. They are after all "our future". I'm afraid to see what our future brings if the kids of today are running the world. Don't get me wrong, there are many youngsters that are raised by parents with morals, values and keep God at the head of all things. If more households would strive to keep what we hold dear to our hearts, our future might not be so bad after all.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

No Habla Engles

During one of the democratic debates on CNN, Wolfe Blitzer asked the candidates, " Do you believe English should be the official language of the United States." Of course he asked them to raise their hands as if they're 3rd graders if they believed this to be true. Only one candidate Senator Gravel raised his hands. I was dumbfounded. How can you sit there in this country where we speak English and have the audacity to say that this shouldn't be the official language of the United States?? Here are some of their reasons for believing English shouldn't be the official language.

OBAMA: ... this is the kind of question that is designed precisely to divide us. You know, you're right. Everybody is going to learn to speak English if they live in this country. The issue is not whether or not future generations of immigrants are going to learn English. The question is: How can we come up with both a legal, sensible immigration policy?

CLINTON: Wolf, let me add that we faced that in the Senate last year as to whether we would or would not vote for it.The problem is that if it becomes official instead of recognized as national -- which indeed it is, it is our national language -- if it becomes official, that means in a place like New York City you can't print ballots in any other language. That means you can't have government pay for translators in hospitals so when somebody comes in with some sort of emergency there's nobody there to help translate what their problem is for the doctor.

So wait a minute, Obama says that everybody is going to learn to speak then why not make this the official language? And no, not everyone is going to learn to speak the language. When was the last time you called your credit card company, your phone company, or any automated phone system and they didn't have an option for Spanish? Para con dios ye mucho grando mi su casa, el numero dos.

Most all of us embrace legal immigration. A hundred years ago millions of immigrants came to America landed on Ellis Island and brought with them their will and desire to become an American. We are after all the land of the free. They worked hard and were determined to become a citizen of this great country. They truly wanted to be a part of society. When we see people sneaking over our borders into our country, do they really want to become American? I think we get our answer when we see parades and protests with signs held high and rants saying "Viva la Mexico!!!" Here are a few examples of Mexican held protests on the streets of US. (Google Images)

Does this show some idea of what their intentions are when they come here? Seems to me that they want us learn their language, take part their traditions, hang their flag. Listen, I know there are those that do come here to make a better life, to adapt to our values and freedoms, however these demonstrations show us, that they don't want to become part of our country, but simply to be given all of the freedoms at no cost. Let's take a look at what we're paying to allow these individuals to stomp on our country.

Reports from the Heritage Foundation writes out the following:

"In FY 2004, low-skill immigrant households received $30,160 per household in immediate benefits and services (direct benefits, means-tested benefits, education, and population-based services). In general, low-skill immigrant households received about $10,000 more in government benefits than did the average U.S. household, largely because of the higher level of means-tested welfare benefits received by low-skill immigrant households.

"...there were 4.5 million low-skill immigrant households. With an average net fiscal deficit of $19,588 per household, the total annual fiscal deficit for all of these households together equaled $89.1 billion (the deficit of $19,588 per household times 4.54 million low-skill immigrant households). Over the next ten years, the net cost (benefits minus taxes) to the taxpayer of low-skill immigrant households will approach $1 trillion."

This was only a few paragraphs from this report. I encourage you to read at full length to get a grasp on the sacrifices that we are making to support the illegal immigrants. I'm sure I'll have more follow ups as we continue to watch the debate at hand in congress. Let's get our borders secured and figure out what the heck we need to do with those 12 million that are here seemingly wanting to take over our country.