Saturday, May 26, 2007

Times Have Changed

As we take a break this long Memorial Day weekend, we sit back have cook outs with our family and friends, let us not forget to remember. Remember those that have served and are serving our country. The lives we've lost in the strikes against our country. Thousands of lives taken from us, thousands of families broken.

On December 4th 1941 our world was shook when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. It was an attack that was not foreseen and not expected. The world came together to mourn and prepare for another attack. The world knew we were going to war. Americans and our allies took on the battle against evil forces. Many sacrifices were made along the way. Trials and tribulations made us stronger and fight harder. When the battle was won, our men were heroes. They put their lives on the line to protect and preserve our sovereign nation. We see ourselves today 50 years later in a similar battle against evil, against terrorists who attacked our nation. The difference today is, people seem to forget why we are fighting in this war against terror. There was not a doubt in any one's mind when Pearl Harbor was hit that we needed to take out the enemy. And it seemed that after 9/11, we were bound together as a whole, as Americans to go take on the bad guys. It's only been 6 years, and 6 months since this tragedy occurred. I don't see as many American flags up on houses anymore, do you?

What I see, is angry, bitter, frustrated and ill-informed people who demand we leave the war in Iraq. They say too many soldiers have died and it's time to leave the people of the Iraq on their own. Yes, any life that is lost in battle is heartbreaking. We've lost over 3,000 lives in this battle over a span of 5 years. In World War II there were ten thousand lost in a day, a single day. While we mourned over these heroes, we did not forsake the cause. The country rallied in support of our military, not against them.

No one wants to go to war. However, there are times when it's necessary in order to keep our values, freedoms and traditions sacred. For those of you that keep insisting we 'pull out now' I say to you, what message are you trying to send? Are you telling the troops that their sacrifice and dedication to this cause is an unworthy one? Are you telling the terrorists that we are too spineless and weak to prevail? Are you telling the terrorists they've won? Well, that seems to be the message you're sending to the world. So please, stop your lecture on how you are speaking for the American people. No one speaks for me, except me.

On this Memorial day, we will recall the memories and lives of our loved ones we've lost. Those that were our friends, our families, mothers and sisters. We will never forget how they touched our lives and so many others. And we will remember the fallen soldiers who fought with courage and bravery against forces we may never understand. Though we can no longer reach for their hands or wrap our arms around them here on this earth, there will come a time when we shall be with them again in God's holy kingdom. I hope that our honor and respect for all of those that we've lost will never change or be forgetten.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Hannity vs. Anderson

On Friday, May 4th talk show host Sean Hannity faced off in a debate with the Mayor of Salt Lake City Utah, Rocky Anderson. It lasted for over 2 hours, starting with each starting with a 30 minute speech. Rocky went first with a dialog of a college professor, with an oh so savvy Power Point presentation. His whole point was that we should get out of Iraq and that the president lied to get us over there. His ramblings at times made me angry, but then I thought... wait a minute, he has no idea what he's talking about. Rocky did a great job with the liberal talking points, "Bush Lied, "We need to get out of Iraq now", "This war is unjust"and last but not least "We're occupiers". So after he spills out his non-sense, his time was up. But do you think he stopped when the moderator asked? Nope, he had to finish his point. Anderson had to be told at least three times to get off the stage. Finally, it was time for Hannity. I was nervous for him but I knew he would knock Rocky right onto the floor.

It took about 5 minutes until the liberals in the audience stopped their rants and hisses only after the moderator had to step out and tell them to knock it off. Once Hannity began to lay it out on the line, it was awesome. All though there were many occasions when the liberals couldn't control themselves, but Hannity took it with a grain of salt. Hannity's point was clear. His focus was on our men and women making sacrifice's everyday to keep us safe and help the Iraqi's become a democratic nation. Here is what the democrats don't understand....when they require timetables in the spending bill, it is not only telling our soldiers that there time there is being wasted but also it sends a message to the terrorists that we are weak.

Hannity played a clip of some of the leading liberals including John Kerry and Hillary Clinton telling the American people that Saddam Hussein "no doubt has weapons of mass destruction". They declared that they approve going to war. Fast Forward 3 years, and their story changes for political reasons. Hillary is on record saying that casting a vote to go to war is "the most difficult decision I've had to make..." and she felt it was the right one. Again fast forward a few years and she says, "if I had been president I never would have gone to war."

In addition, Hannity so clearly points out that Saddam did have weapons of mass destruction, as he used them on his own people. He played a clip of mass graves while Iraqi's weep at the devastation. It's heart that we have the opportunity to be there and relieved them of the evil dictator that once ran the nation, we need to prevail. The soldiers understand this and know why they are there. They see it every day in the faces of the Iraq people. We know things are not perfect, and what war has been perfect? Not one.

In the final statements, Anderson again had to state that the Bush administration needs to be held accountable for this unjust war. When he was asked a question from the audience about what he would do if he were President right now. He commented on the need to stop depending on foreign oil so we don't have to go to war "which is why we're in Iraq now." Did I hear him right? He thinks that we are in a war for oil? You've got to be kidding! Does he recall that we were hit by terrorists on September 11th 2001 that killed over 3,000 Americans? Doesn't he know that Saddam Hussein killed hundreds and thousands of his own people and has associations with terrorists? And he thinks we're fighting for oil? No that's classic.

Hannity ended his time by showing a clip of soldiers over in Iraq that he interviewed about the media portrayal of this war. They are disheartened to say the least when they hear what democrats in Washington DC are saying. The soldiers believe in what they're doing, and they knew what the risks were when the volunteered for the job. God Bless them. I hope they truly know how blessed we are that they are sacrificing their lives for our freedoms and for the freedom of the Iraqi people.

Sean Hannity won this debate hands down. He put himself out there and told it like it is. He shows passion and adoration for our troops. He will continue to fight the fight and believe in the cause so that we in America can live in freedom from generation to generation. Sean Hannity, You Are a Great American.