"The Dems will reverse everything that has been done that was and is good for our nation. Don't be surprised if they let the terrorists go, if they leave the Iraqi people on their own, if they raise your taxes, if they cut spending for our troops, if they disable our Homeland Security, pass partial birth abortion, take away the Pledge of Allegiance, take God out of our schools and workplace (already being done) and if they legalize gay marriage. One more thing for all of you gun owners, you wont' be gun owners for long. They don't want any citizen to have them."
"Get ready ladies and gentleman, for those of us Conservative Christians (the few and far between) the battle is on. Everything that our country use to stand for God and Country is being lost. All though we still have some great Republican Conservatives in the House and Senate, the Dems will not work with us, only against us."
So here we are the end of April 2007 and the democrats have shown us their agenda and state of mind.
They are currently coming up with spending bills for our troops, each one of them presented with a timetable for when we should leave Iraq. In addition they've thrown in millions of dollars for various pork spending projects that has nothing to do with funding the Iraq war. President Bush is doing the absolute right thing by ensuring he will veto any bill that has a timetable. Why would we ever want to give the terrorists a time line of when we will begin taking out our troops? All they'd have to do is wait it out. What will this bring to the Iraqi people? Oh wait, the democrats have said it's time for them (the Iraqi's) to fight on their own.

In recent news you see that the House leader Harry Reid informed the country that "the war is lost". To have the audacity to make such a statement is outrageous. What a slap in the face to our men and women who are continuing their duties everyday in this war on terror and serving their country with honor. And was their any consequences for their communist like behavior? Nope. The dems seem to get a pass on these things.
Okay, so we know the dems are doing everything in their power to continuously undermine the President, what about my mention of increasing taxes? Well, surprise, surprise, they are working on to eliminate the tax cuts put in place by President Bush and are reversing that by creating the largest tax increase our country has ever seen. $392.5 billion in 5 years. (http://www.house.gov/budget).
This is just a taste of what we're up against. Look out America, things generally get worse before they get better. I thank God for the Conservative voices of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck. They stand up for right vs. wrong and are the top three most listened to radio hosts, all Christian Conservatives. Its time for the rest of us to stand along side of them and work to keep our values and beliefs sacred.