Monday, December 31, 2007
As the Year Comes to an End
I am setting a goal for myself (yet again) to remain consistent on this blog. Unfortunately I haven't had the views as I did when I first started this blog. Time to get things posted and news out to the blog world. There are many competitors, many bloggers out there. It will be a challenge, but hopefully I can get a message out.
Have a blessed New Year! Look forward to hearing from you readers out there in the upcoming year.
God Bless,
A Conservative Gal
Friday, November 2, 2007
Cant' Take the Heat??
Russert: Thank you, Brian.
Senator Clinton, Governor of New York Eliot Spitzer has proposed giving driver's licenses to illegal immigrants. He told the Nashua, New Hampshire, Editorial Board it makes a lot of sense.
Why does it make a lot of sense to give an illegal immigrant a driver's license?
Clinton: Well, what Governor Spitzer is trying to do is fill the vacuum left by the failure of this administration to bring about comprehensive immigration reform. We know in New York we have several million at any one time who are in New York illegally. They are undocumented workers. They are driving on our roads. The possibility of them having an accident that harms themselves or others is just a matter of the odds. It's probability.
So what Governor Spitzer is trying to do is to fill the vacuum. I believe we need to get back to comprehensive immigration reform because no state, no matter how well intentioned, can fill this gap. There needs to be federal action on immigration reform.
Russert: Does anyone here believe an illegal immigrant should not have a driver's license?
(Unknown): Believe what?
Russert: An illegal immigrant should not have a driver's license.
Dodd: This is a privilege. And, look, I'm as forthright and progressive on immigration policy as anyone here. But we're dealing with a serious problem here, we need to have people come forward. The idea that we're going to extend this privilege here of a driver's license I think is troublesome, and I think the American people are reacting to it.
We need to deal with security on our borders. We need to deal with the attraction that draws people here. We need to deal fairly with those who are here.
But this is a privilege. Talk about health care, I have a different opinion. That affects the public health of all of us.
But a license is a privilege, and that ought not to be extended, in my view.
Clinton: Well, I just want to add, I did not say that it should be done, but I certainly recognize why Governor Spitzer is trying to do...
(Unknown): Wait a minute...
Clinton: And we have failed. We have failed.
Dodd: No, no, no. You said -- you said yes...
Clinton: No.
Dodd: ... you thought it made sense to do it.
Clinton: No, I didn't, Chris. But the point is, what are we going to do with all these illegal immigrants who are driving.. Dodd: That's a legitimate issue. But driver's license goes too far, in my view.
Clinton: Well, you may say that, but what is the identification?
If somebody runs into you today who is an undocumented worker..
Dodd: There's ways of dealing with that.
Clinton: Well...
Dodd: This is a privilege, not a right.
Clinton: Well, what Governor Spitzer has agreed to do is to have three different licenses, one that provides identification for actually going onto airplanes and other kinds of security issues, another which is another ordinary driver's license, and then a special card that identifies the people who would be on the road, so
Dodd: That's a bureaucratic nightmare.
Clinton: ... it's not the full privilege.
Russert: Senator Clinton, I just want to make sure of what I heard. Do you, the New York senator, Hillary Clinton, support the New York governor's plan to give illegal immigrants a driver's license?
You told the New Hampshire paper that it made a lot of sense. Do you support his plan?
Clinton: You know, Tim, this is where everybody plays "gotcha." It makes a lot of sense. What is the governor supposed to do? He is dealing with a serious problems. We have failed. And George Bush has failed. Do I think this is the best thing for any governor to do? No. But do I understand the sense of real desperation, trying to get a handle on this? Remember, in New York, we want to know who's in New York. We want people to come out of the shadows. He's making an honest effort to do it. We should have passed immigration reform.
Williams: New subject, Senator Edwards. You have young children. As you know, the Internet can be a bit of a cultural wild west. Assuming a lot of homes don't have parental support, would you be in favor of any government guidelines on Internet content?
Edwards: For children? To try to protect children -- using technology to protect children, I would.
I want to add something that Chris Dodd just said a minute ago, because I don't want it to go unnoticed. Unless I missed something, Senator Clinton said two different things in the course of about two minutes just a few minutes ago. And I think this is a real issue for the country. I mean, America is looking for a president who will say the same thing, who will be consistent, who will be straight with them. Because what we've had for seven years is double-talk from Bush and from Cheney, and I think America deserves us to be straight.
Williams: Senator Obama, why are you nodding your head?
Obama: Well, I was confused on Senator Clinton's answer. I can't tell whether she was for it or against it. And I do think that is important. One of the things that we have to do in this country is to be honest about the challenges that we face. Immigration is a difficult issue. But part of leadership is not just looking backwards and seeing what's popular or trying to gauge popular sentiment. It's about setting a direction for the country. And that's what I intend to do as president.
Russert: Are you for it or against it?
Obama: I think that it is the right idea, and I disagree with Chris because there is a public safety concern. We can make sure that drivers who are illegal come out of the shadows, that they can be tracked, that they are properly trained, and that will make our roads safer.That doesn't negate the need for us to reform illegal immigration.
Now I only saw the last hour of this debate in which the above discussion occurred. While watching, I thought....finally, Hillary's opponents are standing up to her. She totally contradicted herself and couldn't answer 'yes' or 'no' to the question of whether or not she would support the program for illegal immigrants to obtain a license. She or anybody who changes their statement within a two minute time frame should be called out on it. Hillary initially said, "it makes a lot of sense." After Russet proposed the direct question if she supported his plan, Hillary went into defense mode and played it out as a 'gotcha' question.
Throughout the debate, many of the men on the panel took it upon themselves to point out some inaccuracies with what Senator Clinton has said. Additionally, Russert directed some 'tough' questions (not compared questions that are given on debates hosted by the Fox News channel, but the democrats refuse to debate on this network) Was that wrong of them? According to the Clinton Camp, it was.
Hillary strategist Mark Penn joined on a conference call discussing how Hillary was "unfairly targeted" by Tim Russert. I thought this was a debate and that tough questions should be asked. I guess on one hand we need to believe that Hillary is smart, strong, confident and on the other... she's a lady and we should be more gentle to her feelings. As Rush Limbaugh says, "Hillary puts her pants on one leg at a time just like every other guy." If she can't take the heat during a debate to be THE NEXT PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES how the heck is she going to run our country?
All candidates running should be able to stand firm on their beliefs, their positions and their decisions or at least explain to us why they came to their conclusions. On a side note, the democrats need to realize they are not running against President Bush as you might think they are if you read the entire transcript of this debate. As for Kucinich, well I don't think his true agenda is to become the next President, but rather work towards impeaching our current Commander in Chief. Maybe Kucinich should discuss his issues with his pals flying high in the sky. After all he did have a heartfelt experience when he saw a UFO. He should be able to find some comfort in a galaxy far, far away.
In a final note, I've said it before, but now is the time to really pay attention and understand what the candidates stand for. We shouldn't cast our votes on the sole purpose of a party name, race or gender. And believe it or not, there are Americans out there that will cast their vote based on these things. Here a few key questions that I hope will help you in making your selection. Hopefully you'll take the time to watch the debates, listen to the news and pick up a news paper, turn the TV channel to the news. Granted, most of the media is main stream and will not give you a full story, which is why it is up to you to research for yourself.
**Do you want the leader of our country who desires for a more robust government?
**Do you want a leader that is eager to tax Americans at a higher percent so that the country can indulge in free healthcare?
**Do you want a leader that has a goal to quit the battle on the war on terror?
**Do you want a leader that cares more about the rights of terrorists than the rights of an unborn child?
**Do you want a leader who is weak on illegal immigration?
If you've answered yes to any of these questions, your choices for the next President are:

Sunday, October 28, 2007
Mike is the Guy!
When we first got to the building we presenting our tickets and signed in. Looking around there were at least 600-800 people there. My eyes immediately focused on the stage to find Mike. We walked around and purchased a few 'I Like Mike' t-shirts (which any merchandise bought went towards the campaign). All of the campaign members we came across were fantastic. They were excited for the turn out, interested in talking with the people and displayed kindness and courtesy.
After we grabbed some soda and a table we watched and listened to this band perform. They were definitely better than I anticipated. They played cover songs and nailed them with what seemed like little effort. I was so impressed with the great musicians, the keyboardist, the drummer, the guitarist, the singers and of course the bass player, Mike Huckabee. They all were having a great time and so were all of the people in attendance. My husband, a musician himself, commented to me on how well Mike played, to which I agreed. After a short while my husband made his way across the floor to the other side of the stage where he could take some pictures. I watched as the band members threw out some glow sticks as the kids swarmed the floors to pick them up. There was a lady who had a whole stack of them in her hands as she made her way to our table and handed them to us with a smile. I thought, 'Wow, that was nice of her'. Now me and my daughter could shake them around along with all the others!
During the brief intermission I watched as the band members came off the stage, right where my husband was standing. OH! 'Is he going to talk to Mike!?' I strained myself to catch a glimpse and low and behold....he was standing right there with him! I was regretting not going along with him, I missed my chance. About 5 minutes later I see my husband heading back towards our table. I asked, "Did you talk to Mike!?" He said, "Oh yeah, I told him we're praying for him and that we're standing with him". Randy also complimented him on his musical abilities and explained he was a musician himself. Mike was very gracious and held eye contact the entire conversation. All though there were crowds of people waiting to shake his hand, when he was talking with Randy, they were the only two in the room. They chatted for a while more and shook hands. I asked Randy if we could go back over there, so we followed as he led the way. We got right behind him as he was talking with a few other folks. Once Randy got his attention, he introduced me and my daughter. I shook his hand and told him how great I thought he was. Let me tell you, this man has the kindest, sincerest eyes. Seeing him at the debates you can see his kindness, but television doesn't capture the authenticity as it does when you're face to face. He was very personable and told me, "Your husband was just telling me about his music". Can you get anymore personable than that? Keep in mind, we ventured back over to Mike about 25 minutes after Randy first met him. Mike easily met another 10-15 people during that time frame, and yet, he recalled the face and conversation.
As I watched the stage during intermission, they were auctioning off some t-shirts, drumsticks, books and Mike's old guitar. The lady holding the auction was the same lady that came to our table with the light sticks. Then it hit me, that was Mike's wife! She too, was a very sweet, down to earth, people person.
Later in the night there were a few performers that came to join in with Capital Offense, one of them was the original member and founder of the band Boston. Another was a female lead singer to a band out of New Jersey. They rocked out to 'More than a Feeling'. Very awesome!
Mike did give some words of encouragement a few times throughout the night along with a few wise cracks. One of the amazing things was that while he performed, he let his band be in the spotlight. Every once in a while he'd step out further on the stage to nod and smile at the crowd. Someone also asked him while he was out on the floor if he could pay tribute to a lady name Joyce as it was her birthday. So, while he was on stage he asked Joyce to join him and the whole crowd sang happy birthday. After rocking out on a few more songs, like 'Sweet Home Alabama', 'Stand by Me', and 'Twist and Shout', the show was over. No one wanted to leave, they were standing around waiting to see Mike. We grabbed a few bumper stickers, yard signs and CD's on the 'Fair Tax' plan and got in line. As I watched Mike with people, he was very personable to all of them.
When it was our turn to talk with Mike again, he immediately knew who we were. This time he met my daughter and noticed she had a cross country shirt on. They chatted for a bit about how far she's ran and he gave her some words of encouragement like a proud father would do. We got a picture taken. This was a very memorable evening.
Seeing him that night only made me feel more convicted to be part of the Huckabee camp. We watched CNN this morning while he was being interviewed by Wolfe Blitzer. Blitzer tried many times to catch Mike up. He told Mike about the controversy written about him by liberals and conservatives and gave about 4 different examples. Mike didn't crack once. He made it very clear that he respected their point of view, even if they don't agree. He stood firm and spoke from the heart.
I know without a doubt that Huckabee is the man to be the next in line to lead this nation. He has showed me time and again that he is a man with a gift of great communication, a compassionate heart and one who holds the foundation of Christ.
Over the past few months, Mike has gained poll numbers and even ranked higher than Romney in one of them. Ladies and gentleman, it is so important to know what the candidates stand for. They should be able to answer tough questions, speak from their heart and hold true to 'saying what they mean, and meaning what they say'. I have witnessed a man who does not seem to change faces based on the surroundings. Mike is someone who is confident with himself, his beliefs and his path. I will do all I can to support and encourage him on this campaign. The decision is ultimately in God's hands, but we all need to do our part and listen, learn and pay attention to where this country is heading. The choice is ours, what will yours be? As for me, I'm for Mike!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Life of a Conservative
First about 3 weeks ago I was in a conversation with a close relative which I haven't seen in years. I knew from previous conversations with people she associated with that she was a highly motivated democrat. As we were talking she expressed her exuberance about her job. All though I'm not exactly sure what it all entails, she does work at setting up conventions, coordinating events and staying in tune with the democratic party. She's seems to be a bright and cheery gal, and I truly am happy that she's enjoying her life. While at this gathering I, as I often do, took in the surroundings and started people watching. There wasn't anything out of the ordinary, nothing that I didn't expect to find. While I was talking with this relative, one of her friends came up to announce she was leaving. She looked to be in her 20's, dark hair, subtle make up, but what caught my eye was what she wore on her shirt. I couldn't help but smirk and shake my head. This young gal was proud to support her candidate for president and made sure to demonstrate by wearing none other than a 'Hillary' button. This was the moment when I took another glance around and realized, I'm surrounded by democrats.
I was ready to take on a debate, preparing myself. I felt the urge to announce my opposing view, so I acted. I gathered around in a circle of people waiting for my chance to jump in on the conversation. Their topic....which candidate they like. Someone said, "I really like Hillary." Another agreed, and another. One person mentioned Barack. Here was my chance. I focused my comment towards my relative and said, "I'm on complete opposite ends of the political spectrum than you." Now, I wasn't cocky, or boastful. It was a simple statement just to let them know that their candidate selection wasn't one I shared. Her comment back to me, "Oh, you're a Republican?? That's just dirty and wrong." Interesting. Mind you, she couldn't look me in the eye while attempting to degrade my opposing view. With my defensive gloves put to the side I just gave her a smile, with a hint of a "you wanna go right now" look in the eye. I wasn't going to get into a battle of wits with her on this day that family and friends were gathered in celebration for her birthday. It can wait for another time. I did however advise everyone in this circle to make sure they are educating themselves on these candidates. And mentioned, "I can help educate you. Just go check out my blog." (Had to give myself some sort of pump to get people to read this dang thing). Before I send out my blog address to everyone I know, I'll need to make sure to write more on what the conservative/democratic candidates stand for. After all, I have a duty to educate, right?
So on to my next encounter. It all started with an e-mail forward I received. I read it, smiled and passed it along. The message was this.
"Rules for the phone. How ALL business phones SHOULD be answered! GOOD MORNING, WELCOME TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Press "1" for English. Press "2" to disconnect until you learn to speak English And remember only two defining forces have ever Offered to die for you, Jesus Christ And the American Soldier. One died for your soul, the other for your freedom. If you agree......keep it going
A few days later I received an e-mail from someone expressing their disdain for this e-mail. The content of the message was one that read to me as...'how could someone like you, a supposed Christian send out such a harsh message'. I was also given a history lesson on the immigrants who came to Ellis Island and not all of them spoke English. I understand that this person wanted to let me know that this e-mail really upset them and wanted to know why I decided to send it to them. However, the emotion on the message I received was far from simply asking 'why' but rather 'how dare you'. With that, I couldn't let this one slide. I was obligated to explain myself. Here was my reply:
WoW.....Where to start.... I feel you may have jumped to a conclusion to which you should have asked rather than assumed what my "AMEN" was about in this e-mail. I clearly understand that you and I are on complete opposite ends of the spectrum on many things, and I promise that I will refrain from sending similar e-mails to you in the future. It is very apparent that this upset you greatly otherwise you would not have spent time on letting me know how you feel. So now I feel that after the little piece of a history you just presented along with you're passing judgement, I must explain myself. First, did you read the whole e-mail? Or did you stop after the "Press "2" to disconnect until you learn to speak English?" At the end of the e-mail it expresses those that have died for us, that being Jesus and the American Soldier, and to that I say AMEN! As for the "Press 2" message, yes, I do feel that for one to survive and live in our country, absolutely English should be learned. Of course we have a great diverse nation, and I'm proud to be a part of this country. But do you think all of the immigrants on Ellis Island refused to adapt to our cultures and learn our language? They came here to become American's and they worked very, very hard to adapt to our values while sharing with us their's. Today, the immigrants that are working to obtain citizenship also want to become American's to be a part of this great country. In no way are they asking us to change or modify our language, our values or are freedoms. And one of the requirements for one to become an American citizen is to speak English. Is that wrong of us to ask since that is our native language? I don't think so. It is still U.S. law that those wishing to obtain citizenship have some things required of them, for instance, "Applicants for naturalization must be able to read, write, speak, and understand words in ordinary usage in the English language." for US citizenship...Language...Para-1...Sent-1. So clearly if this is still law, we're debating that which is already addressed by US Immigration code. Since our country is now dealing with the situation of 12 million ILLEGAL immigrants living here, we have had to make many adjustments. Not only are they costing us tax dollars and dealing with their protests in the streets, they want US to make sure WE accommodate them and post Spanish signs on everything. Would this have happened 50 years ago, again I don't think so. As for our family, yes I have a German & Mexican heritage and as far as I know all of them that live here in America speak English. Interesting that you said, "I still aspire someday to learn other languages even just a little so if I do have the opportunity one day to travel, I can show respect to countrymen I'm visiting by at least attempting their language." To want to converse when just visiting another country, to be able to flourish living in another country you would most definitely need to learn their native language. Hmmm.... well I think that is what this e-mail implies for living in America. If you're making you're home here, shouldn't you want to show respect to fellow citizens that you too want to learn the language? Now, I was pretty offended by the statement of "anyone who claims to follow the teachings of Jesus" implying that because I sent an e-mail that expresses English should be the spoken language of this country, I don't follow His teachings. You couldn't be more wrong. One last thing, I do have a pretty good head on my shoulders. I actually do pay attention to what's going on around me and come to conclusions all on my own, so don't assume that I'm jumping on some 'band-wagon'. We live in a right vs. wrong society today. I pray everyday that God will lead us in the right direction. Unfortunately, so many people have turned away from Him, I'm not sure how much longer He will allow our country to go on.
I did receive another reply, which I have yet to reply.
There will be more debate, more questions and I'm ready and willing to take on the challenge. I know without a doubt that where I stand, is where I want to be.
FOLLOW UP 10/30/07: I replied back to the second e-mail and explained to them that I understand our differences politically, and we may not always have the nicest things to say against the side we oppose. I'm not angry at this person for not understanding why people say or believe in the things they do. However, there is a better way to get into a Q&A instead of 'dumbing down' their reasoning. I'm sure in the future there will be more questions, more firey words between me and this individual, but in the end all that matters is the unwaivering friendship.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Harry Reid Letter....SOLD!!
Several weeks ago Rush Limbaugh was in conversation about a soldier Jesse MacBeth who lied about being a soldier. He told stories about being in Iraq and the atrocities he saw. All lies. This man never made it out of boot camp. The caller made a statement that he's fed up with these guys who pretend to be soldiers and Rush replied, yes..the phony soldiers. This is where the fire started. Not long before this the congress grilled General Petreaus on the senate floor. Hillary in her own words called Petreaus a liar when she said, "I just don't buy it." So, the Dems had to find a way to attack the conservatives. So Reid took it upon himself to call attention to this 'phony soldiers' remark. Reid took everything out of context (as did Media Matters which is where this whole bunch of bologna started). He exclaimed that what Rush said was inexcusable. All of the drive by media also claims that Rush was calling the soldiers who opposed the war "phony soldiers". Wrong. Go read the transcript or listen to the broadcast in its entirety. The dems wanted to take focus off themselves for their ridiculous slander of Petreaus, this is all they could come up with. They are listening to everything the conservatives say trying their hardest to catch them up. This insanity caught fire and all the media outlets were reporting 'Rush Limbaugh calls soldiers who oppose the Iraq war phony soldiers.
After weeks of this hogwash, Rush had an idea. He was given a letter by his producer on the Clear Channel that contained a statement from Harry Reid. All though I don't have the full content of the letter, Reid read it on the Senate floor. It demanded that Rush apologize for his 'phony soldier' statement. The letter was passed around and concluded with signatures of over 40 democrats, among them Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. This letter was posted on eBay and all proceeds would go Marine Corp Law Enforcement, which provides college scholarships to the children of fallen soldiers. (Rush is a chairman of this organization). When I heard the announcement and saw the video of Rush telling of his plan, my eyes welled with tears and I got goosebumps all over. Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. Reid's plan had totally backfired.
However, when Reid heard that the letter had over $1 million dollar bid, he tried to take credit on the importance of this letter. He said he had no idea it would sell for this much. Basically he tried to tell people that him and Rush were in on this together. What he doesn't understand (which Limbaugh pointed out so well) is that the high bidding on this letter was not do to the content in which in entailed, but rather a historical document of the senate trying to shut down the voice of a private citizen. Yes, Rush is a private citizen. He may be in the public eye, but he is not a politician, nor does he work for the government.
The letter sold today for over $2 million dollars! What a tremendous gift this is. All I have to say is, Rush, you did it again. You are the voice of the conservative America and I don't know what we would do without you. I'm thankful to you everyday for your 'talent on loan from God' that reaches millions of people. You have given strength and confidence to so many people who have decided to no longer sit idle while we watch our nation fall apart. Myself included.
Monday, October 15, 2007
And the Nobel Goes To......

Mr Gore's reference to a new scientific study showing that, for the first time, polar bears had actually drowned "swimming long distances - up to 60 miles - to find the ice". The judge said: "The only scientific study that either side before me can find is one which indicates that four polar bears have recently been found drowned because of a storm."
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Ahmadinejad Speaks
I do tip my hat to the President of the University, Mr. Bollin for laying out some of the things that Ahmadinejad said, however he should have never invited him in the first place. We've gone to far in thinking we need to have dialog with our enemies. We are in a war against terrorists that have been given armor by Ahmadinejad to kill our American soldiers. Yet, he was given the opportunity to come and speak on our soil. Unheard of.
The final thing I have to say on this, is that this man was given a huge applause when he made a comment about how he shouldn't need to have permission to come and speak. So, this evil dictator, a man who is a know terrorist gets a greeting in such gratitude, but yet when the Military Men came to talk about their mission at the same University they were run off the stage by bitter, angry liberals. What does that say? We have more respect for a man of terror then men who are fighting to keep people like him out of our country. What is happening? When did citizens start protesting the country they live in and start giving more freedoms to those that want to kill us? I've said it before, we live in the greatest land on this earth with freedoms that other countries hope and pray for. If you're so unhappy, leave and let the rest of us cherish this nation and what it stands for, we happen to like it here. God blessed us with this land, let's stop trampling it.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Show some Respect
Much has been going on, but I'm just going to pick on a few things. First, the Petreaus report has been presented. We all know that no war is going to go perfectly as it has been outlined. But ladies and gentlemen, progress is being made. The truth sits in the hearts and minds in our soldiers, and the Iraqi people. They are first hand witnesses to what has been happening over there. Of course the main stream media will continue to report the fatalities, but how often do we get to see the successes? Well, we won't. Those on the left want us to lose this war and there is only one reason why... they despise our president. We'll hear them tell us that they are patriotic, that they support our troops. How many patriotic people out there have to tell someone their patriotic? I don't see John Mccain, General Petreaus and those that fight for our freedoms pleading with people to tell them that they are patriotic. Seems that only those that have the need to defend their insane views, have to where the American flag pin and make sure that it is known, they too are patriotic. In the words of John Stossell, "Give me a break."
Petreaus has been insulted, defamed and disrespected by the left wingers and he deserves better. I found a few interesting blurbs posted out on
"It’s time to stop fretting over “losing” the war. This war was WRONG to begin with. It NEVER should have been fought. It will NEVER “get better.” And the only way to support our troops is to bring them home and out of harm’s way. Call or email your representatives now and tell them so."
"...I’d be willing to support the surge 2 days for every day Bush or Cheney is willing to spend in Iraq outside the green zone and our billion dollar embassy. That would indicate real progress and provide just deserts as well as the few laughs we all need to bear up under such political blundering."
"So, what is the mission for the mililtary now?? Is it just to end the civil war strife between the Shite, Sunni and Kurds? Is it truly to bring some form of democracy to the Iraq or just create a theocracy state?? How much more American lives need to be sacrifice for this war of no reason?? Since the General David Petraeus report sounds eerie like the report that General gave to Congress in 1969, doesn’t that tell you history is repeating itself for no good reason. WE NEED TO BRING THE TROOPS HOME NOW, the Iraq government needs to STAND UP SO THAT WE CAN STAND DOWN NOW — NOT LATER —"
My oh let me get this right, we shouldn't have gone over to help a nation that was ruled by an evil dictator. We should leave the Iraqi people to fight on their own, after all it's not our duty to take care of those that are in need. Our president and those that serve him are liars and idiots. Does that sum it up? Boy, where in the heck would you prefer to live? If your so damn angry and are fed up with the actions our nation, what's keeping you here?
Moving on....
I hope that President Bush delivers tonight on his speech to the nation about this report and what our plans will be. Regardless, we need to stand together behind him as a nation and continue to pray for victory.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
More Maps for Americans
Let's think for a minute how some of our other teenagers might answer this question. Right now there is a crisis in America, and I'm not just talking about the control of the House and Senate, but rather the education of our kids. For example, our elementry students, I bet that almost all of them across the world knows who Martin Luther King Jr. was, but if they are asked to tell us who the first five American Presidents were, would they know? It's unfortunate that our education system seems to pick and choose what part of history they want to teach. Not only that, but when recently talking with my husband about his speech class his book referenced speechs by Barack Obama, but didn't seem to mention anything about great speaches given by Abraham Lincoln. That to me, is obsurd.
When I heard this clip from Miss South Carolina, I went up and asked my 13 year old, "Why do you think a fifth of American's don't know where the United States is on a map?" She replied, "Because people don't care." My thought exactly. But these same people might care about Paris Hilton going to jail, or when their favorite reality show comes on. It's mind boggling to me that we've seem to have lost interest to teach our children about how America came to be. What sacrafices were made to be where we're at today. If one of our supposedly brightest teenagers, a role model for our kids, that can't conclude as reason as to why people don't know where the United States is on a map, I would hate to hear the reply of one of average students.
So for those of you who are reading this and out there that don't know where the United States is...
I'll help you out... Here's a map, can you find your country??

.....And here is the United States of America....where does this piece fit in the above world map? If you've found it, you now know where the US is on the map and you can discount yourself from the percentage of Amercians that couldn't find where we are on the map. Yahoo!!!

Thursday, August 23, 2007
Listen to Our Soldiers
We along with our allies have made many sacrafices. Our men and women leave their families to go into a war zone not knowing what the outcome will be. They made the choice to serve their country with courage and honor. Lives have been lost. Not only Americans, but thousands of Iraqis. Their lives were not taken in vain, and won't be as long as we finish the job.
My husband has talked to various soldiers who have served in this war and asks them, "What is it really like over there? Is it what the media is saying". Their answer, "It is nothing like what the media reports." These men are proud of what they are doing and believe in the cause. When they say the smiles in the eyes of the Iraqi people, they know what their doing is right. When the children greet them with open arms, they are reassured. When the evil terrorists are taken down one by one, progress is being made.
Why then do we have so many protesters of this war? When was the last time protesters or democrats spoke to our heros about the accomplishments made? Yes, I understand that a minoot group of soldiers don't believe in what is being done and is angry about being away for so long. But then you have to ask yourself, what made them enroll in the military? The soldiers that are in it because they want to serve their country even if that means sacraficing their lives, they are the ones that understand why there are times when going into battle is the only resolution.
Our men in women don't want to leave until the job is done. So who are you (liberals and protesters) to tell us that we need to bring our troops home now? If you trully gave a lick, you would be behind them and allow them to do their job. Here is what our friends on the left have to say.
"I would like to apologize for referring to George W. Bush as a "deserter." What I meant to say is that George W. Bush is a deserter, an election thief, a drunk driver, a WMD liar and a functional illiterate."Michael Moore
"I mean, I think, Iraqis, I think, feel that if we drove smaller cars, maybe we wouldn’t have to kill them for their oil.”Bill Mahr - Larry King Live (November 1, 2002)
"It is preposterous for the administration to pretend that the war in Iraq has made America safer"Edward Kennedy
"We don’t know whether in the long run the Iraqi people are better off, and the most important thing is we don’t know whether we’re better off." - On the question of whether qetting rid of Saddam Hussein was a good thing.Howard Dean - Former Democratic Govenor of Vermont and Democratic Presidential Candidate in 2004 (Meet The Press 6/22/03).
"There was no imminent threat. This was made up in Texas, announced in January to the Republican leadership that war was going to take place and was going to be good politically. This whole thing was a fraud," Edward Kennedy
"I'm saddened, saddened that this president failed so miserably at diplomacy that we're now forced to war, saddened that we have to give up one life because this president couldn't create the kind of diplomatic effort that was so critical for our country."Tom Daschle- Democratic Senator South Dakota
"A nation that continues, year after year, to spend more money on defense than social programs is nearing spiritual death," Danny Glover
"I believe myself that the secretary of state, secretary of defense and — you have to make your own decisions as to what the president knows — (know) this war is lost and the surge is not accomplishing anything as indicated by the extreme violence in Iraq yesterday," Harry Reid
I ask again, what gives you the authority to tell us to bring the troops home? What do our military men and women have to say?
The roads are in pretty good shape and we moved at a pretty good clip?120-180 km per hour. We only slowed down a few times and when we were in the center city of some of the villages. (Where we got more "Welcome" signs and smiles. ATTENTION INTERNATIONAL PRESS: WE ARE STILL WELCOME IN IRAQ!!)
I have continued to push on and keep focused, I have found strength here that I had long ago forgotten about: “Remember your roots Mike, you are a Marine I tell myself”, the time is here and now. I will always remember my days as the “Gunner” here in Iraq. There are few things in my life that have made me prouder than what I do today. I will hold firmly onto the memories of the times my uniform
We are setting them up to be successful if they want it. I think they do, but it will take time for the Iraqi people to get their feet firmly planted on the ground and running it themselves.
These are just a few of the thousands of blogs out their from our men and women in the military. For those of who keep protesting to bring them home now, go get a taste of what they have to say. You can start by going to
God Bless you.

Sunday, June 24, 2007
Empty Heads
Let's start by going through the differences between the kids of yesterday vs. today's kids.
Then kids would: Contribute to the family, build things with their hands, learn about our country's history, obey mom and dad, obey teachers, dream of being soldiers, astronauts, police officers and fire fighters, play outside until dinner then going back out until it's bed time, wait their turn for the family circulating fan to reach their direction, had fear of being caught doing what they ought not to do to avoid whoopings, learn about God and the fear of God.
Today kids: Are selfish and want to be the most important person in the family, use their hands to text and chat their 'peeps', know who's dating who in Hollywood but can't tell you what's in the Constitution, lack of respect for parents and teachers, aspire to be a super star, play video games from breakfast to dinner, sit air conditioning on a hot day, have time outs and grounding time that would take away their TV and cell phone, worship Britney Spears.
What happened? For starters, where have all the parents gone? I seem some every now and again where they actually call the shots and reprimand their kids, yes even in public. Today that seems almost unheard of. Well to those parents who still have control of their own house I say to you....Congratulations! Job well done!
Every kid will test their limits we know that. The problem is, what consequences will there be if the kid steps over the line? I've seen many of talk shows reality shows where these rude, obnoxious, adolescent snobs run all over their parents. They call them every name in the book, hit them, and down right don't give a lick about anyone but themselves. Granted not all teenagers are so ridiculous and self centered. And I will give credit to the parents who've done all they could to instill morals and values into their children. As I stated earlier, we do see them out there, just not as often as we see those that have given their control to their kids. Take for example a few of the reality shows, "Super Nanny" and "Nanny 911". If you've ever seen an episode, you've thought, "I can relate to that" or "What they need is a to get spanked". What baffles me is that these nanny's tell the parents they shouldn't yell or hit their kids. That is exactly what the kids need! I'm not saying to give them an all out lashing, but a few good hard spanks, you bet.
Reality shows have taken over TV land from shows like "My Sweet Sixteen" to "Big Brother". I admit that I am guilty of watching some of these shows and am not better off by doing so. If nothing else it sure does dumb me down for awhile. My point is this, millions of people; adults and kids watch these mindless, non-thought provoking shows. What can you possibly get out of filling your mind with mush? For starters you get a brain full of mush. Then you start to see people walking around like zombies and when they are asked, "Do you know who the Secretary of State is?" you get blank stares. But I bet you a million dollars that they would know what is happening in the life of Paris Hilton.
Kids need direction. They are after all "our future". I'm afraid to see what our future brings if the kids of today are running the world. Don't get me wrong, there are many youngsters that are raised by parents with morals, values and keep God at the head of all things. If more households would strive to keep what we hold dear to our hearts, our future might not be so bad after all.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
No Habla Engles
OBAMA: ... this is the kind of question that is designed precisely to divide us. You know, you're right. Everybody is going to learn to speak English if they live in this country. The issue is not whether or not future generations of immigrants are going to learn English. The question is: How can we come up with both a legal, sensible immigration policy?
CLINTON: Wolf, let me add that we faced that in the Senate last year as to whether we would or would not vote for it.The problem is that if it becomes official instead of recognized as national -- which indeed it is, it is our national language -- if it becomes official, that means in a place like New York City you can't print ballots in any other language. That means you can't have government pay for translators in hospitals so when somebody comes in with some sort of emergency there's nobody there to help translate what their problem is for the doctor.
So wait a minute, Obama says that everybody is going to learn to speak then why not make this the official language? And no, not everyone is going to learn to speak the language. When was the last time you called your credit card company, your phone company, or any automated phone system and they didn't have an option for Spanish? Para con dios ye mucho grando mi su casa, el numero dos.
Most all of us embrace legal immigration. A hundred years ago millions of immigrants came to America landed on Ellis Island and brought with them their will and desire to become an American. We are after all the land of the free. They worked hard and were determined to become a citizen of this great country. They truly wanted to be a part of society. When we see people sneaking over our borders into our country, do they really want to become American? I think we get our answer when we see parades and protests with signs held high and rants saying "Viva la Mexico!!!" Here are a few examples of Mexican held protests on the streets of US. (Google Images)

Reports from the Heritage Foundation writes out the following:
"In FY 2004, low-skill immigrant households received $30,160 per household in immediate benefits and services (direct benefits, means-tested benefits, education, and population-based services). In general, low-skill immigrant households received about $10,000 more in government benefits than did the average U.S. household, largely because of the higher level of means-tested welfare benefits received by low-skill immigrant households.
"...there were 4.5 million low-skill immigrant households. With an average net fiscal deficit of $19,588 per household, the total annual fiscal deficit for all of these households together equaled $89.1 billion (the deficit of $19,588 per household times 4.54 million low-skill immigrant households). Over the next ten years, the net cost (benefits minus taxes) to the taxpayer of low-skill immigrant households will approach $1 trillion."
This was only a few paragraphs from this report. I encourage you to read at full length to get a grasp on the sacrifices that we are making to support the illegal immigrants. I'm sure I'll have more follow ups as we continue to watch the debate at hand in congress. Let's get our borders secured and figure out what the heck we need to do with those 12 million that are here seemingly wanting to take over our country.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Times Have Changed

On December 4th 1941 our world was shook when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. It was an attack that was not foreseen and not expected. The world came together to mourn and prepare for another attack. The world knew we were going to war. Americans and our allies took on the battle against evil forces. Many sacrifices were made along the way. Trials and tribulations made us stronger and fight harder. When the battle was won, our men were heroes. They put their lives on the line to protect and preserve our sovereign nation. We see ourselves today 50 years later in a similar battle against evil, against terrorists who attacked our nation. The difference today is, people seem to forget why we are fighting in this war against terror. There was not a doubt in any one's mind when Pearl Harbor was hit that we needed to take out the enemy. And it seemed that after 9/11, we were bound together as a whole, as Americans to go take on the bad guys. It's only been 6 years, and 6 months since this tragedy occurred. I don't see as many American flags up on houses anymore, do you?
No one wants to go to war. However, there are times when it's necessary in order to keep our values, freedoms and traditions sacred. For those of you that keep insisting we 'pull out now' I say to you, what message are you trying to send? Are you telling the troops that their sacrifice and dedication to this cause is an unworthy one? Are you telling the terrorists that we are too spineless and weak to prevail? Are you telling the terrorists they've won? Well, that seems to be the message you're sending to the world. So please, stop your lecture on how you are speaking for the American people. No one speaks for me, except me.
On this Memorial day, we will recall the memories and lives of our loved ones we've lost. Those that were our friends, our families, mothers and sisters. We will never forget how they touched our lives and so many others. And we will remember the fallen soldiers who fought with courage and bravery against forces we may never understand. Though we can no longer reach for their hands or wrap our arms around them here on this earth, there will come a time when we shall be with them again in God's holy kingdom. I hope that our honor and respect for all of those that we've lost will never change or be forgetten.

Sunday, May 6, 2007
Hannity vs. Anderson
It took about 5 minutes until the liberals in the audience stopped their rants and hisses only after the moderator had to step out and tell them to knock it off. Once Hannity began to lay it out on the line, it was awesome. All though there were many occasions when the liberals couldn't control themselves, but Hannity took it with a grain of salt. Hannity's point was clear. His focus was on our men and women making sacrifice's everyday to keep us safe and help the Iraqi's become a democratic nation. Here is what the democrats don't understand....when they require timetables in the spending bill, it is not only telling our soldiers that there time there is being wasted but also it sends a message to the terrorists that we are weak.
Hannity played a clip of some of the leading liberals including John Kerry and Hillary Clinton telling the American people that Saddam Hussein "no doubt has weapons of mass destruction". They declared that they approve going to war. Fast Forward 3 years, and their story changes for political reasons. Hillary is on record saying that casting a vote to go to war is "the most difficult decision I've had to make..." and she felt it was the right one. Again fast forward a few years and she says, "if I had been president I never would have gone to war."
In addition, Hannity so clearly points out that Saddam did have weapons of mass destruction, as he used them on his own people. He played a clip of mass graves while Iraqi's weep at the devastation. It's heart that we have the opportunity to be there and relieved them of the evil dictator that once ran the nation, we need to prevail. The soldiers understand this and know why they are there. They see it every day in the faces of the Iraq people. We know things are not perfect, and what war has been perfect? Not one.
In the final statements, Anderson again had to state that the Bush administration needs to be held accountable for this unjust war. When he was asked a question from the audience about what he would do if he were President right now. He commented on the need to stop depending on foreign oil so we don't have to go to war "which is why we're in Iraq now." Did I hear him right? He thinks that we are in a war for oil? You've got to be kidding! Does he recall that we were hit by terrorists on September 11th 2001 that killed over 3,000 Americans? Doesn't he know that Saddam Hussein killed hundreds and thousands of his own people and has associations with terrorists? And he thinks we're fighting for oil? No that's classic.
Hannity ended his time by showing a clip of soldiers over in Iraq that he interviewed about the media portrayal of this war. They are disheartened to say the least when they hear what democrats in Washington DC are saying. The soldiers believe in what they're doing, and they knew what the risks were when the volunteered for the job. God Bless them. I hope they truly know how blessed we are that they are sacrificing their lives for our freedoms and for the freedom of the Iraqi people.
Sean Hannity won this debate hands down. He put himself out there and told it like it is. He shows passion and adoration for our troops. He will continue to fight the fight and believe in the cause so that we in America can live in freedom from generation to generation. Sean Hannity, You Are a Great American.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
What Did I Say...
"The Dems will reverse everything that has been done that was and is good for our nation. Don't be surprised if they let the terrorists go, if they leave the Iraqi people on their own, if they raise your taxes, if they cut spending for our troops, if they disable our Homeland Security, pass partial birth abortion, take away the Pledge of Allegiance, take God out of our schools and workplace (already being done) and if they legalize gay marriage. One more thing for all of you gun owners, you wont' be gun owners for long. They don't want any citizen to have them."
"Get ready ladies and gentleman, for those of us Conservative Christians (the few and far between) the battle is on. Everything that our country use to stand for God and Country is being lost. All though we still have some great Republican Conservatives in the House and Senate, the Dems will not work with us, only against us."
So here we are the end of April 2007 and the democrats have shown us their agenda and state of mind.
They are currently coming up with spending bills for our troops, each one of them presented with a timetable for when we should leave Iraq. In addition they've thrown in millions of dollars for various pork spending projects that has nothing to do with funding the Iraq war. President Bush is doing the absolute right thing by ensuring he will veto any bill that has a timetable. Why would we ever want to give the terrorists a time line of when we will begin taking out our troops? All they'd have to do is wait it out. What will this bring to the Iraqi people? Oh wait, the democrats have said it's time for them (the Iraqi's) to fight on their own.

In recent news you see that the House leader Harry Reid informed the country that "the war is lost". To have the audacity to make such a statement is outrageous. What a slap in the face to our men and women who are continuing their duties everyday in this war on terror and serving their country with honor. And was their any consequences for their communist like behavior? Nope. The dems seem to get a pass on these things.
Okay, so we know the dems are doing everything in their power to continuously undermine the President, what about my mention of increasing taxes? Well, surprise, surprise, they are working on to eliminate the tax cuts put in place by President Bush and are reversing that by creating the largest tax increase our country has ever seen. $392.5 billion in 5 years. (
This is just a taste of what we're up against. Look out America, things generally get worse before they get better. I thank God for the Conservative voices of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck. They stand up for right vs. wrong and are the top three most listened to radio hosts, all Christian Conservatives. Its time for the rest of us to stand along side of them and work to keep our values and beliefs sacred.